Here are a few tips on how to maintain a wheel's original beauty:
Before installing the wheels, apply a coat of wax to help protect your wheels against all the harsh elements we spoke of earlier and make them easier to clean. Just the painted finish on your vehicles body, regular waxing will help keep your wheels finish last for many years to come.
NOTE: Never wash your new wheels when they are hot! DO NOT USE DISH SOAP TO CLEAN YOUR WHEELS. Beware that some chemical wheel cleaners are very acidic and can ruin your wheels finish almost instantly. Use a soap that is designed to be used on your car’s panted surface. Clean them one at a time so that the soap will not have a chance to dry on the finish. Use a separate sponge for cleaning your wheels so that you do not scratch the painted surface of your car with particles that may have accumulated during the cleaning of your wheels.
Most alloy wheels today feature a painted and / or a clear-coat finish. The best way to take care of wheels without damaging their protective finish is by frequently washing them with a mild soap and water solution. Using tar and bug remover can prevent permanent tar staining. Again, periodic waxing will help protect the wheel's finish from the elements. Today’s new spray waxes make this process simple and quick.
Never use abrasive cleansers, steel wool pads or polishing compounds.
Beware of automatic car washes. Some washes use acid cleaners either before or during the wash to remove dirt and grime. Others use stiff brushes for cleaning wheels and tires, these can permanently scratch or harm your wheels finish. Wheels with low profile tires can be damaged by the metal tracks used in most car washes. Ask the employees of the car wash about their equipment and procedures before entering the wash.
Never allow your wheels and tires to be steam cleaned. Steam can dull the paint and clear-coat finish on your wheels.
Taking care of your new wheels will keep them looking like new.